How To Become An Ethical CEO: On Principles And Marketing With Jarred Letofsky

January 25, 2022

How To Become An Ethical CEO: On Principles And Marketing With Jarred Letofsky

How To Become An Ethical CEO: On Principles And Marketing With Jarred Letofsky

Jarred Letofsky, CEO of Pivotal Times, founded the full-service marketing agency nearly three years ago. The goal was to make it easy for business owners to outsource any aspect of their marketing and eCommerce operations from strategizing and optimizing until success is achieved.

Entrepreneurship has been Jarred’s calling ever since the early age of 17, but his journey to the top wasn’t as smooth sailing as one would expect.

In this article, discover how Jarred overcame obstacles and how he was able to rise to the top while adhering to his core principles and values.

Perhaps learn a lesson or two on how to become an ethical CEO and learn how to put the needs of consumers, the community, and employees ahead of company profits or personal wealth.


Jarred’s early years as an Entrepreneur

A few years after discovering his calling in entrepreneurship, Jarred built an eCommerce store of his own. Two and a half months later, he was able to generate 7-figures in revenue. Jarred discovered that he was actually good at it and even partnered with equally passionate and hungry business partners.

It didn’t take long before they helped and scaled several eCom businesses from scratch into their first 6- and 7-figure businesses.

Now, Jarred runs 5 multiple 7-figure businesses with a team of over 25 people around the world. “I didn’t follow the way things were done. I’ve always been in my own power, knowing that I create my own reality,” Jarred recalls.


What does it mean to be an Ethical CEO

Jarred discusses the importance of being an ethical leader with your employees. He contrasts this with the traditional mentality of being a top-down tyrant. In addition, he talks about how to use marketing not just as a way to sell products but also as a way to communicate your company’s values and principles. 

Ultimately, being a principled marketer means not just working for the money but with a higher purpose and meaning.

“I believe in a different kind of CEO: one who doesn’t want to rule with fear and manipulation, but instead is there to serve and empower,”

Jarred reiterates. “This leader manages through influence rather than control.” 

An ethical CEO is somebody who leads their company with principles and communicates these principles not just through marketing, but through everything they do. They have a higher purpose and meaning in life beyond just making money. 

As a result, they are able to inspire their employees to work towards common goals and values. Jarred mentions that we all have a choice in how we work and spend our lives. We can either engage ourselves in things that will pay the bills, or we can take the time to be clear about what it is we personally want out of our careers and strive towards them. 

This way of thinking applies so much more than just jobs; it includes friendships, relationships, and any other area of life where you might give your time and energy to someone else. 

The point he drives home is that you need to find a higher purpose for yourself, one which you are passionate about – because if you aren’t passionate about your choices in life then why would anyone else be?

This gives an inside look into Letofsky’s larger philosophy on life and work. He believes that our values and principles make us human, not just CEOs. We all have a right to lead a life with a higher purpose. 

If you follow the money only then you are lost in a sea of solely materialistic thinking. When we have something bigger than ourselves to be passionate about it changes how we view the world and impacts every decision we make, including business decisions. We can see this played out directly by talking about marketing ethics. 

The traditional model for advertising is straight up selling: here’s our product, it’s awesome, buy it! 

Although what happens when there are ethical issues surrounding your product? 

What happens when from an outside perspective it doesn’t seem so great after all? 

It becomes more difficult to be straightforward with your customers because you’re afraid of losing their support. This is why it’s important for companies to define their values and principles, then build a marketing campaign around it that aligns with who they are as a company.

“With Pivotal Times, Jarred makes sure that he and his team only works with business owners that are committed to their brands and willing to take that step towards scaling their business.”


The importance of being an ethical leader with your employees

Many people view the role of a CEO as one that is autocratic and demanding. However, Jarred believes that this top-down approach is no longer effective in the current business landscape. 

In order to be successful, CEOs must be able to lead their employees with principles and communicate the company’s values and vision. 

Jarred also believes that the role of a CEO has changed over time because of globalization.

Changes in corporate culture and shifts in technology require companies to embrace more decentralized models with flat structures where employees are given greater decision-making power.

Furthermore, he believes CEOs need to change with this new reality if they want their businesses to be successful.


Contrasting the traditional mentality of a top-down tyrant to one that is more collaborative and open-minded

The traditional mentality of a top-down tyrant is one where the CEO is the only one who knows what’s best for the company and its employees. 

This type of leadership is often based on fear and intimidation. 

However, Jarred argues that this type of leadership is no longer effective in the current business landscape. 

He suggests that CEOs should adopt a more collaborative and open-minded approach to leadership. 

This means being willing to listen to input from employees and taking their feedback into account when making decisions. 

It also means being transparent about company values and principles and using marketing to communicate these values to employees and customers.

“Marketing is not just about selling; it’s about establishing a set of shared values and principles,” he says. 

He also notes how important it is for employees to be able to feel like they can speak up if they disagree with what the CEO is doing. 

When everybody in the company knows that their opinion matters and will be taken into account by the CEO, then employees are more likely to stay with a company even when there might be better opportunities elsewhere. 

In addition, employees will have greater loyalty toward the company and will work harder because they care about the company’s values.

Jarred says that if some employees are not comfortable with the company’s vision, then they should be encouraged to leave because their values do not align with those of the company. 

He suggests having an honest conversation about whether or not everyone fits into the culture of the company. 

It is important for every business to have a strong ethical code and vision, both of which should be made clear to customers and employees alike. 

When leaders make decisions based on what they think will benefit the business in the long run, rather than short-term profits, it often pays off in the end. 

Being principled makes for happier employees who want to stay longer with any given organization. 

This allows companies to attract more loyal customers. 

When employees feel that they can trust the company, they are more willing to give positive feedback and provide their input on how to improve products or services. 


How marketing can be used not just as a way to sell products but also as a way to communicate company values and principles

Marketing isn’t just about the bottom line. It’s also about using your products and services to communicate your company’s values and principles. 

When you do this effectively, you create a connection with customers that goes beyond simply making a sale. You forge a lasting relationship based on trust and mutual respect. So don’t just focus on the numbers. 

Focus on what really matters: building a better world through ethical marketing. 


Why it’s important for marketers to work with meaning, not just money in mind

When it comes to marketing, it’s important for marketers to remember that they’re not just working for the money. 

Yes, it’s important to make a profit and be successful, but that should never be the only thing that drives you. 

A principled marketer is somebody who works with meaning and purpose, not just money in mind. 

They see marketing as a way to communicate their company’s values and principles to the world. 

And they’re not afraid to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means going against the status quo.

Jarred believes that principled marketing is the way of the future because it not only helps build a brand’s reputation but also works as good business. 

People are more likely to buy from brands that have ethics they can believe in. 

When people feel they’re being sold to – or tricked into buying – instead of being informed about important issues through ethical advertising, they tune out. 

They stop trusting companies and start looking for other options like your competitors who are doing what’s right instead of making money at any cost. 

The result? Every dollar you make today could be gone tomorrow. 

Jarred says some marketers will try to convince you that it takes too much time and effort on top of what you’re already doing, but there are tools and resources available to help make it easy. 

A good place to start with ethical marketing is by educating yourself. 

You can also use marketing tools that empower marketers to communicate their brand’s values and principles. 

With the right education and technology, principled marketing is not only possible but can be an effective way of growing your business, achieving your organization’s mission, and making a positive impact on the world.


Jarred’s advice on how you can become an Ethical CEO

In order to be a successful CEO, Jarred believes that you need to think about the big picture and how your decisions will impact not just the bottom line but also the company’s values and reputation. 

Jarred also stresses the importance of marketing not just as a way to make money but as a way to communicate your company’s values and principles to customers. 

By being a principled marketer, you can create a connection with the company that goes beyond just buying their products or services. 

Jarred believes that it is important to stand for something rather than pursue the bottom line at all costs.

He also reiterates why it’s important for business people to work on making ethical decisions rather than prioritizing maximizing profits. 

He says that taking the long-term approach of thinking about principles will lead you far more success than purposely prioritizing short-term gains over ethics.

Because acting ethically will create positive connections with your customers and make them loyal to your brand rather than wanting to get away from it as quickly as possible. 


The Pivotal Times Method: Guidelines For Ethical CEOs

At his marketing consultancy, Pivotal Times, Jarred models ethical behavior and delivers the best work to clients. He uses a proven framework to deliver results, based on the three pillars of marketing: awareness, nurturing, and trust.

Ethics comes into play with each element of marketing, but especially in building and maintaining the trust of your target audience. 

If you do what you say you’re going to do, deliver what you promise, and keep your actions in alignment with your brand, your approach as an ethical CEO will carry over to the companies you run, creating success at every level.